Hotel Caravelle

Diano Marina and the Gulf

Diano Marina

A coast of intense beauty, absorbed sandy beaches in a vegetation between the exotic and the Mediterranean: palms, agaves, maritime pines, Olive and citrus trees.
This is the Gulf of Diano Marina, an ample inlet between Capo Berta and Capo Cervo.

Diano Marina is the chief town, with his hotels, bathing establishment and nighttime local very frequented. The tourist vocation of Diano Marina was born with the reconstruction of the city after the 1887 earthquake, that almost entirely destroyed the ancient suburb of fishermen.

The "Hotel Paradiso" was the symbol of the reconstruction, wanted by a Colony of Milan, that chose the place for his climate and his hospitable coast.

The "Village Paradisi" (over the bridge on the stream St. Pietro) sees the amplest concentration of hotels, meetings and shops, where you can enjoy a few relaxing hours of shopping. An appointment in Diano Marina is the Carnival and the "Infiorata del Corpus Domini", when the roads of the city are covered of spectacular bloomed carpets.

Nearby there is the beautiful town of Cervo, overlooking the Ligurian Sea. Moreover, the "International Festival of Chamber Music" takes place in this town. And do not miss the Church of "Corallini", in Cervo, and the town of "Diano Castello".

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